Dance High School Proficient
Dance HS Proficient MCA - Task Description: Community Mosaic
Individually and collaboratively create and perform an original dance inspired by the themes "Mosaic" and "Community". Perform the dance for different audiences (e.g. in dance class, for another class, at a school assembly, etc.). Document learning. Analyze and respond in writing and orally about your various learning throughout the project.
Click here to access the MCA and scoring tool.
Anchor Standards:
Anchor #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #3. Refine and complete artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Anchor #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Anchor #10. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Student DA-FCL-I-11
Student DA-FCL-I-11 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-11-12-13-14-15-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-12
Student DA-FCL-I-12 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-11-12-13-14-15-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-13
Standard DA-FCL-I-13 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-11-12-13-14-15-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-14
Student DA-FCL-I-14 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-11-12-13-14-15-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-15
Student DA-FCL-I-15 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-11-12-13-14-15-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-24
Student DA-FCL-I-24 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-24-25-26-27-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-25
Student DA-FCL-I-25 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-24-25-26-27-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-26
Student DA-FCL-I-26 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-24-25-26-27-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-FCL-I-27
Student DA-FCL-I-27 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-FCL-I-24-25-26-27-T2d (PNG)
Student DA-JW-I-06
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-JW-I-10
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-JW-I-23
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-JW-I-24
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-JW-I-29
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-JW-I-34
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Student DA-TMI-I-01
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this student.
Dance High School Accomplished
MCA Task Description: Community Mosaic
Individually and collaboratively create and perform an original dance inspired by themes "Mosaic" and "Community". Perform the dance for different audiences (e.g. in dance class, for another class, at a school assembly, etc.) Document learning. Analyze and respond in writing and orally about your various learning throughout the project.Click here to access the MCA and scoring tool.
Anchor Standards:
Anchor #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #3. Refine and complete artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #5. Develop and refine artistic technique and work for presentation.
Anchor #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Anchor #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Anchor #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Anchor #10. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Student DA-AMH-II-01
Student DA-FCL-II-01 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-01 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-01-T1a (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1d (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-02
Student DA-AMH-II-02 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-02 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-02-T1a (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-02-03-07-T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-02-03-07-T1d (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-02-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-03
Standard DA-AMH-II-03 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-03 ID Photo
DA_AMH_II_03_T1a (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-02-03-07-T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-03-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-04
Student DA-AMH-II-04 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-04 ID Photo
DA_AMH_II_04_T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_04_06_T1b (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_04_06_T1d (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_04_T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-05
Student DA-AMH-II-05 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-05 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-05-T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-05-T1d (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-06
Student DA-AMH-II-06 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-06 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-06-T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_04_06_T1b (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_04_06_T1d (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-06-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-07
Student DA-AMH-II-07 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-07 ID Photo
DA_AMH_II_07_T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_02_03_07_T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-02-03-07-T1d (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-07-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-08
Student DA-AMH-II-08 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-08 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-08-T1a (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-09
Student DA-AMH-II-09 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-09 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-09-T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-09-T1d (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-10
Student DA-AMH-II-10 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-10 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-10-T1a (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1b (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-01-08-10-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-AMH-II-11
Student DA-AMH-II-11 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
Student DA-AMH-II-11 ID Photo
DA-AMH-II-11-T1a (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1b (PDF)
DA_AMH_II_05_09_11_T1d (PDF)
DA-AMH-II-11-T1d (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-05
Student DA-MPR-II-05 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-05-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-05,06,07,08-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-06
Student DA-MPR-II-06 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-05,06,07,08-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-07
Student DA-MPR-II-07 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-07-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-05,06,07,08-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-13
Student DA-MPR-II-13 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-13-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-13,14,15,16-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-14
Student DA-MPR-II-14 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-14-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-13,14,15,16-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-15
Student DA-MPR-II-15 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-13,14,15,16-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-16
Student DA-MPR-II-16 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-16-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-13,14,15,16-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-18
Student DA-MPR-II-18 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-18-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-17,18,19,20-T1b (PDF)
Student DA-MPR-II-20
Student DA-MPR-II-20 scored at standard during the benchmarking.
DA-MPR-II-20-T1a (PDF)
DA-MPR-II-17,18,19,20-T1b (PDF)
Dance High School Advanced
MCA Task Description: Community Mosaic
Collaboratively create and perform an original dance inspired by the themes “Individual” and “Community”. Perform the piece as part of a student produced dance concert at multiple venues.Click here to access the MCA and scoring tool.
Anchor Standards:
Anchor #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #3. Refine and complete artistic ideas and work.
Anchor #5. Develop and refine artistic technique and work for presentation.
Anchor #6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Anchor #7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Anchor #9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
No Student work samples for Connecting were submitted for this level.