About Model Cornerstone Assessments
MCAs model effective assessment practice and demonstrate that standards-based teaching in the arts is specific and, rigorous, by sharing a glimpse into one teacher's classroom. The MCAs on this website come packaged with a suggested strategy for assessing student learning, types of evidence to collect, model rubrics, and samples of student work demonstrating their process and learning. The samples of student work illustrate the unit in action by providing a snapshot of a moment in time showing student response to instruction.
The following Model Cornerstone Assessments were created and piloted during the 2020-2021 school year, funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
DA.AK - Stories in Montion -- Tableau Choreography
DA.KC - Creating a Personal Modern Dance Technique
DA.LS - The 4 Elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water) - A Movement Study
MA.RB - Quality Sound Design in Media Artworks
MA.RBR - Rotoscoping the World
TH.AR - Greek Drama, Tragic Hero
TH.BH - Crafting and Refining the Monologue
TH.HA - Acting Through Spoken Poetry
TH.JD - A Midsummer Night's Dream Performance
TH.RC - Designing for a Greek Myth
VA.AH - Abstracted Reality: The visual impact of objects, things and stuff of ordinary lives
VA.RC - Interaction & Awareness: Creating Art That Connects!